Sunday, March 15, 2015

Artist: Go Fight

Artist: Go Fight

Go Fight self-defines as “electroscuzz.” A Google search of the word turns up Go Fight on the very first page; so they're either big on the scene, or made up the word. Neither would surprise me. Because while their Facebook page reveals a sense of humor, their music is perfectly produced provocation.

But there's a question whether “electroscuzz” is an apt descriptive. Of course Go Fight is “electro,” but is it “scuzzy”? There's nothing about the music itself that is “dirty, grimy, sordid, or repulsive; disgusting.” And as for subject matter, an open-minded listener shouldn't be “repulsed” or “disgusted” by Go Fight's celebration of all things sexual (especially if he gets past song titles like “Pussygrinder,” “Sex Theology,” and “Fuck Like a Movie Star”).
I suppose that, topically, Go Fight songs can be “sordid” insofar as highly sexual beings can be “meanly selfish, self-seeking, or mercenary.” I mean, they're “mean,” but only to partners who can't emotionally handle “self-seeking, mercenary” sex. (Of course, they had no problem with it physically; they just bitch about it afterwards.) And yes, sex-without-the-waiting can sometimes involve “dirt” and/or “grime.” So electroscuzz it is!

Another genre/descriptive could be “electro-industrial,” which struck me as apropos when viewing KMFDM's Wikipedia page. But go there, and risk getting thrown for a Wiki-loop. Go Fight is unquestionably “electronic” with a few “industrial” accents, but Wikipedia gets you to wondering: Does the band also belong to electro-industrial's progeny? For example, is Go Fight also “dark electro”? (Probably not, no elements of horror.) Is Go Fight “aggro-tech” too? (Also unlikely, no lyrical pessimism, nary a harsh or overly synthetic vocal.)

But within its cohesive catalog, Go Fight displays a musical range to rival the delightfully explicit lyrics of “Fuck Like a Movie Star.” Use Spotify to fire up the first 30 seconds of “Light of Day” and “All God Now”: the former is a symphony of moving vocal parts; the latter boasts a percussive rhythm section laced with flashes of melody (which is a feat that still distinguishes Skrillex from his drop-heavy peers). With an audience as sexy as its music, Go Fight is one of Chicago's few live acts that can single-handedly define a genre.

*** The author of this review, Gary Allen, plays the repicador for the following band:

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