Artist: Bitter Valentines
So what makes Bitter Valentines so
special? I asked myself that question a number of times over the
course of my three-show stint in New York City (Trash Bar, Don Pedro,
and Freddy's). Could it be that, despite them rocking Brooklyn
venues, the quartet hails from Queens, the NYC borough deemed the
"most ethnically diverse urban area in the United States"?
(Per Wikipedia, 48% of Queens' 2.2 million inhabitants were born
outside the US.)
Perhaps that has something to do with
it. After all, what would BV be without the propulsive drumming of
Taka (Asian descent) or the powerful punk rock vocal of Der
(Spanish/Cuban descent)? But there's tons of bands in Queens' melting
pot; so that alone can't account for BV's unique brand of melodic
hard/punk rock. More likely, BV's success can be attributed to the
fact they know what they're good at: writing catchy songs showcasing
Der's singular vocal, built on a locked-in rhythm section (Matt/Taka)
and accented by appropriate guitar flourishes (Rob/Der).
First, Der's voice. Two facts: Singers
in protest punk emerge if they're credible; Many have accents. Taken
together, I'll make the logical leap that, when there's an accent,
audiences are more likely to believe these frontmen are singing about
struggles existing outside the American dream. It's the reason Blink
182 can sing about Attention Deficit Disorder, but not war. By
contrast, Flogging Molly's Irish vocalist could sing about political
turbulence in general, and we'd instantly presume he's singing about
the Provisional IRA in particular.
Now combine Der's vocal power and
credibility with BV's catchy song-writing, and we get memorable vocal
hooks like: "Unify" (which was just as cool when I thought
it was, "You defy"); "Get up, it’s time to fight"
(on "To the Sun"); "It’s just another fucking lie"
("Freedom to Comply"). Case in point: Having a singer with
an accent lament America's National Defense Authorization Act and the
Patriot Act gets us thinking that, even in this post-9/11 world,
there might be valid complaints in the area of recently diminished
rights to privacy and due process. So we're nodding our heads when
Der prefaces the howl of "It's just another fucking lie"
with "Our democracy is a joke / ‘Cause we vote for freedom /
'Cause we vote for freedom, yeah / ‘Cause we vote for freedom to
comply." But often, the songs' power will also emanate from
instrumental cut-outs that supply Der with space to sneer. Behold
1:04 of "Yesterday," which spotlights Der's vocal through
the use of choppy guitar chords and pulsing drums and bass.
Bitter Valentines bring to bear punk
rock's loaded arsenal. Fire up the intros to "Facing Angels"
and "Freedom to Comply," and note the snaky riffs,
prominent bass, and rhythm section interplay, that channel the garage
punk of Murder City Devils. Check the pop punk of "Feed Me
Cyanide," recalling the radio-friendly hits of Cheap Trick.
(Just try to forget that hook: "But I forgot to mention / I
could use your love tonight / Got nothing, nowhere to go / So baby
feed me cyanide.")
As a fan, I was pissed "She"
and "Closing Doors" weren't included. (Word has it they
will be included on forthcoming product, e.g. an LP.) But for those
punk devotees not yet schooled in the ways of Bitter Valentines, this
EP serves as the perfect introduction: Der is the singer to hear
before you die; and BV is the band you'll listen to on the way there.
*** The author of this review, Mark
Jackson, plays the apinti for the following band:
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